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Call us at (410) 828-8871 to schedule your free consultation.

Visit our office located at 222 Bosley Ave, C7, Towson, MD 21204

Fax (410) 384-4236


222 Bosley Ave, Suite C&
Towson, MD, 21204
United States

(410) 828-8871

Website for the Law Office of Stephen E. Bailey, lawyer in Baltimore, MD. Office located in Towson. Attorney specializing in elder law (wills, trusts, advance health care directives, power of attorney, and guardianships).

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Medicaid & VA Benefits Planning

Medicaid, Medical Assistance, Long-term Care, Nursing Home, Spend Down, Look Back Period, Medicaid Penalty, Asset Protection, Protecting My Home in Baltimore County, Maryland

  • What’s the difference between Medicaid and Medicare?

  • Will Medicare cover nursing home expenses?

  • How can I protect my home and other assets?

  • What is the “spend down” process?

  • What is the five year “look back” period and what gifts made to your children or grandchildren can be penalized?

  • How will my spouse afford to stay at home if the nursing facility can require me to pay my income toward the cost of my care?

You have questions and Steve Bailey has the experience and resources to give you the best answers and to walk you through the entire process from pre-planning, to application, to eligibility. Steve Bailey and his team can eliminate the worry and ensure that you take advantage of every benefit while protecting your assets.